It seems every business has a mission statement nowadays, but there are a lot of mission statements out there that are kinda silly. Some of them sound like they came out of some kind of random missions statement generator; some are so non specific they could apply to anything; some try to portray the business as though it were some kind of charity; and some allude to effecting far greater change than a single business could ever hope to.
So make no mistake, ComCycle USA exists to earn a profit and make a living for its owners and employees. I am not running this business to end world hunger or give free bikes to people in the third world. Call me old school. I figure if I can save people money on their purchases and help a few people earn a living, those people are free to give money to whatever charity they like, not the one I choose. Don't be fooled. If someone says their company is giving money to save children somewhere, it really means they are taking a portion of the price you just paid to do it.
But that does not mean we do not have some sense of benefiting the greater good beyond just making a profit. Far from it. Bikes do so much good for the world, and the way we go about selling them does too. It is pretty easy to see how bikes benefit us. They keep us fit. They reduce pollution, congestion and noise. And the way we sell them fits right in with that. When I started ComCycle USA, I figured the world did not need one more strip mall location with a big paved parking lot and cars coming and going all day. An internet business can have a much smaller carbon footprint. We don't have a big showroom with wasted material for displays. Delivery via a shared shipping vehicle is so much better for the earth than individuals driving to a store. And our smaller physical footprint means less encroachment on the environment. My desire to do well by the earth stems from my faith: God has called us to be good stewards of His creation, and I think the bicycle and an earth friendly business help achieve that.
So here then is our mission statement: ComCycle USA provides cycling products, service, expertise and community to enable people to ride bikes as transportation and recreation through an Earth friendly business so that we may be good stewards of God's creation.
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